Friday, November 11, 2011

My Family Culture

My three items that I would bring with me to the new country would be:
  1. Some form of music, hopefully I would have a plug in and would bring my ipod. I would tell others that music is not only relaxing and comforting to me but does remind me of my family. My older sisters and I have our certain songs that every time we hear them we call each other and sing them. When we are all together we sing and dance for fun. Its essential that I have some form of music to listen to. 
  2. The second thing I would bring is a blanket that my great aunt made me. I take it everywhere with me and everyone in my family has one and mine is as special to me as the rest of my families ones are to them.
  3. The third item would be a notebook. It would be a place to write my thoughts, sketch, etc. I come from a very artistic family. My sisters and I all draw and paint. Our parents house is only decorated with our artwork. I notebook would be a place for me to express myself and makes me think my family. 
If I was told I could only have one of my items I would be ok. I would select to bring my blanket. I can find other things to draw on and new forms of music in the country. 
This exercise has shown me that I am not very connect to any material things. It was difficult for me to come up with a list of three items. I do not have family heirlooms other then my blanket. I have moved around a lot in the passed six years that I have disconnected myself from items. Whats important to me is who I am with and how I spend my time. Its the things I do that trigger memories and are my traditions. 


  1. Amy,
    I also chose to take music with me. I find music to be very uplifting and inspirational to me when I am feeling down. I agree with you, I don't get myself too attached to items, because material things do drift away, so we should focus our life on what we make out of it at the moment.

  2. This exercise also pointed out to me that it is not the material things that matter in life. Sure they are sentimental and help us feel close to our loved ones, but they are not the same as having our loved ones with us. With our loved ones, we can make new memories anywhere. The handmade blanket you mentioned sounds pretty special. Do you have a photo of it? To me, things that are handmade hold a special significance, as a labor and gift of love.
    My special item includes a book that my husband made for me of our art and adventures together. It will be a special item to me always.
    Thank you for sharing.
