This class has greatly broadened my knowledge of research. I had a very brief understanding of what research was prior to this class and now I feel confident in my skills and abilities to become a beginner researcher. Terms were made clearer for me, I learned how to read a research study, and I now know the in’s and out’s of how to conduct research.
Prior to this class doing research for me was to look at others research and evaluating it, I had not really thought about conducting my own research or the steps I would take to do so.
This class has taught me where to begin when doing research, it has broken down a complex subject to a manageable task.
Some challenges I encountered were misunderstanding things when they were first presented to me (some of the terms and steps), using the book was a big help, along with the articles on variables and doing quantitative research.
I have always thought of myself as an early childhood professional, this class however has helped me to grow as an early childhood professional and has helped me to relate to others and understand others better. This class has been very informative and helpful.