“The federal budget is an important moral statement of what we value as a nation and where our priorities lie. This year, the federal budget process is more important than ever. Many states are facing budget shortfalls and the deficit is at a record high. CDF believes investing in programs for children and youth is the long-term answer to our country’s budget problems. We will keep a close eye on the budget process, looking carefully at what funding increases or decreases are being proposed and how funding for these programs will affect millions of children and low income families across the country.”
The Children’s Defense Fund is taking a similar stand as The Rand Corporation. They realize that our country is going through some economic difficulties. However their stand is for different reasons then economist, they are trying to keep the money for the children and not see it get cut, so they are making a plan that will appeal to the economist and politicians.
This week I had also received an email from the Children’s Defense Fund and found the information to be very interesting and relevant to this weeks topic:
“Did you know that in 2010 General Electric reaped pretax profits of $5.1 billion in the United States but paid nothing in federal income taxes? Had GE paid the full 35 percent corporate tax rate, it would have paid $1.8 billion in taxes to the Internal Revenue Service. Instead, GE reported $3.3 billion in tax benefits! In total, GE's federal tax breaks in 2010 were over $5 billion!
This lost revenue could have been used to fund an additional 670,000 eligible preschoolers in Head Start, creating at least 67,000 new jobs for teachers.
Imagine if all corporate loopholes were closed. Politicians in Washington have a decision to make. And we must insist they make the right choices by choosing education over corporations. They must protect children and education from all budget cuts and close corporate loopholes.”
The CDF is keeping their eye on what our government is doing and trying to show how the decisions they are making are not necessarily benefiting our future which investing in education would benefit our future.
The Children’s Defense Fund is really giving children a voice, I just hope that the CDF is listened to and making a difference. In order for them to be successful they need the support of others, including our government.